Can you Mix Zoysia and St Augustine Grass

Can you Mix Zoysia and St Augustine Grass? (Expert Advice & Tips)

Most people tend to mix two types of grass as it can thoroughly cover the floor and enhance the overall appearance of the garden. However, it needs to be done cautiously as some kinds of grasses aggressively grow beyond other grasses. So, can you mix Zoysia and St Augustine grass? Today, we will be finding the answer to this question so you can make an informed decision when choosing grasses for your garden. 

Can you Mix Zoysia and St Augustine Grass?

Generally, you cannot mix Zoysia and St Augustine grass. Although Zoysia and St. Augustine are both warm-season grasses, combining them is not recommended for several reasons. Let us reveal them to you.

  • Resource Competition: These grasses both spread quickly and will vie for essential resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients. This competition can lead to one type overshadowing and possibly eliminating the other.
  • Visual Inconsistency: Zoysia grass presents fine, bluish-green blades, contrasting with St. Augustine’s thicker, coarser blades. Therefore, mixing them can result in a lawn with uneven texture and color, leading to a visually unattractive, patchy appearance.
  • Different Care Needs: Each type of grass requires unique care, including specific mowing heights, watering schedules, and fertilization. Balancing the distinct needs of both can be challenging and labor-intensive.
  • Risk of Overrun: St. Augustine grass tends to be more dominant and may overtake areas of Zoysia, further disrupting the lawn’s uniformity. Thus, your attempt to grow Zoysia will be pointless. 

Alternatives to Combining Zoysia and St Augustine:

  • Opt for a Single Grass Type: Select the grass that aligns best with your local climate, soil type, and desired lawn characteristics.
  • Designate Separate Areas: If you prefer both grass types, you can grow them in distinct, clearly separated areas, such as different garden sections or bordered zones.
  • Create Transition Zones: For lawns already containing both grass types, gradually merge them by carefully removing unwanted stolons and plugs. This approach can yield a smoother, less abrupt transition between the two grasses.

What Grass Mixes Best with St. Augustine Grass?

Centipede grass and Celebration Bermudagrass can be mixed with St Augustine grass. But regrettably, due to St. Augustine grass’s assertive growth and tendency to outcompete, finding ideal grass types to mix with it is challenging.

Nonetheless, based on specific needs and conditions, there are two possibilities, though they come with their own set of limitations:

Centipede grass: Known for its slower growth, this warm-season grass might coexist alongside St. Augustine, particularly in shaded areas. However, in areas with full sunlight, St. Augustine is likely to eventually overtake it.

Celebration Bermudagrass: Unlike typical Bermudagrass, this sterile variant is less prone to aggressive spread. Still, it demands distinctly different maintenance, such as a higher mowing height and more frequent watering. Even with these differences, it may encroach upon St. Augustine’s turf if you do not manage them attentively.

What Grass Can You Mix with Zoysia?

You can mix Tall Fescue and Microclover with Zoysia. Combining Zoysia grass with other grass types can also be challenging, but depending on your specific needs and environmental conditions, there are a couple of combinations to explore:

  • Tall Fescue: In areas where both warm and cool-season grasses can flourish, it’s feasible to blend Zoysia with Tall Fescue. However, this mix demands meticulous care because Tall Fescue enters dormancy during winter while Zoysia stays green. Management of mowing heights and fertilization schedules should be adjusted to the prevalent season.
  • Microclover: Integrating Zoysia with Microclover, a type of low-growing white clover, is an environmentally conscious choice. Microclover contributes nitrogen to the soil, thus reducing the need for additional fertilizers and enhancing drought resistance. This combination is most effective in sunny locations with well-draining soil.

Which is Better: St Augustine or Zoysia Grass?

Both St Augustine and Zoysia grass have unique characteristics, so the better one is dependent on your priorities. Both these grasses can be grown in warm climates, but they differ in the following ways:

St. Augustine:

  • Grows quickly and effectively covers bare patches.
  • Well-suited for shaded and coastal areas due to its tolerance to shade and salt.
  • Has coarser blades and generally demands less upkeep.
  • More vulnerable to drought and pests.


  • Features fine, soft blades offering a plush texture.
  • Excels in drought resistance and durability.
  • Thrives in full sunlight but takes longer to establish.
  • Needs more meticulous care and comes with a higher initial cost.

Therefore, St Augustine, as well as Zoysia grass, has some advantages and disadvantages.

Opt for St. Augustine if you’re looking for a grass that is shade-tolerant, cost-effective, and quick to establish.

On the other hand, you can choose Zoysia if your priorities are full sun exposure, drought resistance, and a premium, luxurious lawn feel. Weigh your specific lawn needs and preferences to decide which grass is the ideal choice for your space!

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