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Do Trampolines Kill Grass? Detailed Guide

do trampolines kill grass

Can a trampoline kill grass? In suburban backyards, the joy of trampoline bouncing is often accompanied by concerns about potential harm to the lush green carpet below. Homeowners fear that trampolines may have a detrimental impact on grass health, sparking questions and misconceptions.

This article discusses the root of these worries, exploring the interaction between trampolines and lawns. Let’s get started.

Do Trampolines Kill Grass?

Trampolines typically do not “kill” grass outright, but their presence can have varying effects on lawns, depending on factors like design, maintenance, and grass type. The potential for grass damage arises from factors such as the weight of the trampoline, reduced sunlight penetration, inhibited airflow, and constant foot traffic.

However, with proper placement, maintenance, and protective measures, homeowners can minimize the negative impacts caused by trampolines on grass. We will explain all in detail later in the article.

How do I Keep My Trampoline From Killing the Grass?

To prevent your trampoline from negatively affecting your grass, we recommend following these preventive methods:

Optimal Placement

Regular Relocation

Use Ground Covers

Rotate Trampoline Position

Implement Aeration

Proper Maintenance

Protective Platforms

Monitor Soil Health

Which Parts of Trampolines Come into Contact With the Grass?

When you set up a trampoline, various parts come into contact with the grass. The frame, legs, and springs are the primary components that may touch the ground. The frame is usually made of metal and is in direct contact with the grass surface.

Additionally, the legs, often made of steel or other materials, provide support and may also impact the grass beneath. Springs connect the jumping surface to the frame, and their placement can influence the overall pressure on the lawn. Being aware of how these components interact with the grass helps you make informed decisions about trampoline placement and potential lawn impact.

Are Certain Types of Grass More Resilient to the Presence of Trampolines?

Yes, certain types of grass are generally more resilient to the presence of trampolines and the associated foot traffic. Here are some grass varieties we identified for their resilience.

Zoysia Grass

Known for its dense and tough turf, Zoysia grass is highly resilient to foot traffic and recovers well from stress.

Can you Mix Zoysia and St Augustine Grass?

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is durable and able to withstand heavy use. It’s commonly used in sports fields and high-traffic areas.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass is known for its fine texture and ability to recover quickly from stress, making it suitable for moderate foot traffic.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass establishes quickly and has good wear tolerance, making it a suitable option for lawns with increased foot activity.

Fescue Varieties

Fine Fescue varieties, such as creeping red fescue, are known for their fine texture and adaptability to various conditions, including moderate foot traffic.

What is Best to Put Under a Trampoline?

In order to minimize the potential damage caused by a trampoline, here are some materials that we recommend putting under it. 

Trampoline Mat or Safety Pad

Some trampolines come with a safety pad or mat designed to protect the underlying surface. Ensure it covers a sufficient area to minimize direct contact with the ground.

Rubber Mulch

Rubber mulch provides a cushioned surface and is effective in absorbing impact. It’s also durable and can withstand weather conditions.

Wood Chips or Mulch

Wood chips or mulch offer a natural look and can act as a protective layer for the grass. Ensure they are spread evenly to provide consistent coverage.

Ground Cover Fabric

Ground cover fabric or weed barrier can be placed underneath the trampoline to protect the grass. It allows water to pass through while preventing weed growth.

Artificial Turf

Artificial turf provides a consistent and low-maintenance surface. It offers a green appearance without the concerns of natural grass wear and tear.

Interlocking Tiles

Interlocking rubber or foam tiles create a stable and shock-absorbing surface. They are easy to install and can be removed if needed.

Sand or Pea Gravel

Sand or pea gravel can offer a soft and impact-absorbing surface. Ensure it’s evenly spread to provide consistent coverage.

Protective Platforms

Specialized protective platforms designed for trampolines can be purchased. These often consist of interlocking tiles or panels designed to protect the grass underneath.

Should Trampolines be on Grass or Patio?

Whether to place your trampoline on grass or a patio depends on various factors, and your decision should align with your preferences and considerations. Let us explain advantages and what you should consider whether to place your trampoline on grass or patio. 

On Grass



On Patio



If you or your family prefer the feel of jumping on grass, that may influence your decision. Conversely, if stability and ease of maintenance are priorities, a patio setting could be more suitable.


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