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Does St Augustine Grass Go Dormant in Winter? Expert Tips!

Does St Augustine Grass Go Dormant in Winter

Chilly weather in Winter significantly affects the greenery, so it can be challenging to protect your St Augustine lawn from going dormant during the cold months. The reason why, while St Augustine can be grown in shaded areas, it still requires some amount of sunlight to thrive. Thus, we will be exploring how you should maintain your St Augustine lawn in the winter season without letting it completely die. 

Does St Augustine Grass Go Dormant in Winter?

Yes, St Augustine grass will go dormant in Winter. Indeed, the grass’s reaction to cold largely depends on the climate in which it is grown. Here’s an overview:

In cooler regions like North Florida and Georgia, St. Augustine grass typically enters a semi-dormant state during Winter.

Thus, its growth rate decreases significantly, the blades may turn brown or yellowish, and it needs less water and care.

In warmer areas like Southern Florida and California, St. Augustine grass often experiences little to no dormancy, remaining green throughout the year, particularly if temperatures stay above freezing.

In this case, temperature is the key determinant; lower temperatures lead to dormancy, while higher temperatures keep the grass more active.

Sunlight, or lack thereof, can also induce dormancy, even in milder climates. Sufficient moisture levels can help the grass retain its green color in cooler conditions.

Do not panic! Dormancy is a natural, energy-conserving process for the grass during the colder months. You should refrain from over-fertilizing dormant St. Augustine grass and resume regular lawn care in early spring.

Remember, moderate watering during dormant periods is important to avoid drought stress.

If you have a newly installed lawn, monitor your St. Augustine grass to gauge its reaction to your local climate. Then, tailor your lawn care routine (watering, fertilizing, mowing) according to the grass’s state of dormancy.

What Soil Temperature Causes St Augustine to Go Dormant?

St Augustine grass can go dormant when the soil temperature stays below 55F. Temperature significantly influences the dormancy of St.

Augustine grass, yet determining a precise soil temperature threshold for this process is complex.

It involves a blend of factors, with temperature being the primary one, but light and moisture levels also play important roles.

Here’s a concise breakdown of how these elements interact:


Light and Moisture

Additional Considerations

How to Prevent St. Augustine from Going Dormant?

In order to prevent St Augustine from going dormant, you should properly maintain the lawn throughout the year.

In fact, this dormancy is a natural response to cooler temperatures, but there are strategies to minimize dormancy and maintain a greener lawn for as long as possible:

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